Fall is on the horizon, but our temperatures are holding on to Summer. Deadheading is a good idea throughout the growing season, but deadheading during the first few weeks of September will create opportunities in your landscape beds. Does your garden shine during the Fall months? If not, think about adding plants that are particularly beautiful during Fall and Winter so that your garden rewards you with year-round color and interest. September is a great month to plant trees, shrubs, some perennials and cool-season annuals. Warm soil temperatures help plants establish a strong root system headed into our dormant Winter months.
Beautyberry put on a show with clusters of purple berries in late Summer to early Fall. Highly ornamental and beneficial to our bird populations, a bonus is the fact that they are native to our area. One will surely go well in your garden.
Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood are available and will benefit from being planted now for bold Winter color. Site them appropriately – they will need room to grow and thrive.

The first week of September is a great time to fertilize plants as they head into Winter dormancy. We have a variety of fertilizers that will benefit your plants. Come by and speak with one of our associates about which variety is best for you.
Many perennials benefit from being divided every five or so years. Determining if your perennials should be divided isn’t difficult. If their blooms are fewer than in years past, they are likely ready for division. If they are getting too large for the space, you should think about dividing now or in early Spring.
Cool-season annual herbs and vegetables are typically seeded in August for a Fall harvest, but 4-inch plants may be planted now. Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, kale, lettuce and onions are some examples.
Our Fall/Winter annuals are arriving weekly and will be available to our customers during September and October. We grow many of our plants on-site, which allows us to nurture them and provide you with the highest quality plants. See our October blog entry for tips and inspiration for your containers.
Jeanne’s Helpful Tips
Japanese Maples : Japanese Maples benefit from being sited in the AM sun and PM shade or dappled sun. Soil amendments and Permatil will help them thrive and have the proper required drainage. They come in many different varieties and have unique shapes, sizes, and Fall colors. Ask our associates which variety is best for your location and be sure to pick up a planting/watering guide.
Beautyberry : Beautyberry benefit from being sited in full or partial sun for the best berry production. Pay particular attention to mature size because they grow quickly. Ask our associates which variety is best for your location and be sure to pick up a planting/watering guide.
Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood : These shrubs benefit from being sited in full or partial sun for the best Winter color. Plant with soil amendments for best results. While they are tolerant of wet soils, they need good drainage. If your site is particularly wet, use Permatil and elevate the area to ensure water doesn’t pool at the roots. Size varies depending on the variety. Ask our associates which type is best for your location and be sure to pick up a planting/watering guide.
Japanese Maples are particularly gorgeous during the Fall as their color explodes. But they also provide winter interest as a living sculpture with their unique branch and trunk structure. Juxtapose some small evergreens around the plants for an additional wow factor.